Episode 269 - Mary Poppins Returns

Episode 269 - Mary Poppins Returns

This week our curmudgeonly, bickering, British duo Jon Cross and Jim Wallace get all fancy and rather than a grimy diner at the end of the night, they take lunch in a bistro - of all bleedin' places.

There in the bistro they hammer out their Christmas episode talking about Mary Poppins Returns.

They talk about what constitutes a bistro, how much returning is too much, whether the cockney magic of fictional London (laaarndan town!) still has any charm left amongst its Georgian row houses, Disney's worrying remake trend, pitch a Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury Poppins/Bedknobs crossover movie and much, much more!

Join us, won't you?

Find our co-host Jim and follow him on Twitter @J_E_A_Wallace.

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Episode 270 - New Year's Ritter - Hero at Large, They All Laughed, Skin Deep and Stay Tuned

Episode 270 - New Year's Ritter - Hero at Large, They All Laughed, Skin Deep and Stay Tuned

Episode 268 - Mortal Engines

Episode 268 - Mortal Engines