EPISODE 99 - Horrotober 4 - Dario Argento's Dracula 3D

EPISODE 99 - Horrotober 4 - Dario Argento's Dracula 3D

Well we are back again and as Horrotober rolls to a close and we eye our 100th episode with suspicion and intrigue, we thought it was a good time to see just what all the fuss was about Dario Argento's Dracula 3D.

We went to a NY cinema and managed to see it on the big screen, in 3D and with a fairly respectable crowd as well! Hear the thoughts of my co-host James Wallace and me, in a diner afterwards, and maybe be surprised, maybe reel in horror as we order the same thing or maybe just have a chuckle that we manage to find some serious stuff to say about Dracula 3D.

We hope, whatever way you listen to the show, you'll enjoy!

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