John Carpenter LIVE

So I saw John Carpenter live on July 8th playing his music at The Playstation Theatre in New York City and I thought I'd write a little review.

Firstly, think of a main theme you'd want to hear him play and they played it. 
Secondly, it's a real show, with lights and effects and video projection, at times it feels like you're IN the movies or in a world JC created. It's awesome. I bet he had a big hand in the stage direction and style of the show. It certainly felt like it.

He plays a lot from Lost Themes 1 & 2 and while the movie themes have the recognition and the fan base, the lost themes are just so damn kicking and cool, he could've played every track and I'd have been happy.

The band, far from being just a backing band to big ol' cool JC, are incredible. The lead guitarist and drummer especially are everything you'd want. Expressive, individual, awesome and into the groove without ever overshadowing the themes or diverting too much from them. Seeing Carpenter trade keyboard licks with his son Cody (very much the backbone of the group) is everything you'd want it to be. A big thumbs up to every musician on the stage.

One of the greatest things about the show is just how much Papa Carpenter is digging being a rockstar and being on stage, from his enthusiastic intros of the tracks and his dad dancing to his crowd pointing and him flipping the metal fingers, for me, it was a delight to see.

So yes, you guessed it, I loved and enjoyed the show like it was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. I had no idea what to expect and it blew my mind how much it delivered and then improved and then transcended what I had hoped for.

I heard people at the gig say it was too short and at around 85mins, with no opening act, it's definitely not the longest show I have ever been to but in comparison to Goblin, who I saw a few years back, it was, for me a perfect length. Goblin were great but played for what seemed like hours and they had a support act, also instrumental, that played for an hour before they even got on stage. It was all a bit much for me. They were awesome and it was incredible to see them but I felt it was just all too much. John Carpenter, on the other hand, took me right to the point where I was satisfied but also wanted more and then he left the stage, enthusiastically, humbly, drenched In cool and at the perfect time. He left the crowd wanting more but when I ran through what I'd heard in my head, I'm not sure what more I could've really wanted. 
Sometimes the best experience is not the longest, it's just the perfect length for what it is.
They're not the Rolling Stones and don't have a back catalogue of a thousand songs to choose from.

So no complaints from this fan.

The show was utterly breathtaking and when I think about some of the moments in it I get excited again, emotional even and I hope him and the band carry that enthusiasm and showmanship throughout the tour.

If you're going to see him, you'll love it I'm sure and if you don't yet have tickets, get some today! 

Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


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Episode 192 - The Stuff