EPISODE 100 - Horrotober 5 - Robert Davi Interview/Maniac Cop Trilogy

EPISODE 100 - Horrotober 5 - Robert Davi Interview/Maniac Cop Trilogy

It's HALLOWEEN! Happy Halloween! and the Diner's last chance for a Horrotober episode!
It just so happens it's also our 100th episode! So celebrations all round!!

This week we are covering The Maniac Cop Trilogy AND we snagged an interview with 'the man who would be Sanchez' Robert Davi! (star of Maniac Cop 2, 3, Action Jackson, Raw Deal, Die Hard, The Goonies, Licence to Kill, The Iceman and 2014's Expendables 3!)

We also have guest hosts Jon Wallace and Moe Porne and a whole lot of e-mails and voicemails from friends and listeners.
Thanks so much for your continued support!!
You won't find a more full and satisfying podcast this Halloween!

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