Episode 135 - The James Glickenhaus Special/An interview/Discussion with Dr.Action

Episode 135 - The James Glickenhaus Special/An interview/Discussion with Dr.Action

An exciting, jam-packed extravaganza of an episode this week. We have none other than the 80s NYC based, Action Auteur himself James Glickenhaus on the show!
I talk to him about movie making, shooting in NYC, writing, stunts and the future!

Then I speak with Dr.Action, Doc Paul Crowson, all about the Glickenhaus film-making legacy, the movies The Exterminator, The Protector, McBain and Shakedown and about other great NYC film-makers of the era.
Add to that comedy and music and you have an insanely fun episode! ENJOY!

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Guest Spot's 54 & 55 - Direct to Video Connoisseur - Bad Milo & In Bruges