EPISODE 20 - A Fistful of Dohler's - Alien Factor/Fiend/Blood Massacre/Blood Boob's and Beast

This week I am very excited to announce that we are looking at the early films or first half of the career of low-budget, independent, horror, sci-fi, Baltimore based and cult film director Don Dohler and by 'we' I mean returning combatants and friends of the Diner Nick 'Don't call me Bernie' ConsolPhil 'What was the movie called again?' Rowan and me.

We look at three films in particular of his:
Alien Factor - available on YouTube
Fiend - available on YouTube
Blood Massacre - available on YouTube

We discussed Night Beast (another of his films) on an earlier podcast

I also had the GREAT privilege to interview and talk to John Kinhart the director of
Blood, Boobs and Beast which is the first, last and best word on Don Dohler's career and life.

We are 'dohling' out the films, the facts and the funny in this week's jam packed episode. Step in, sit down, order a milkshake and watch the drive in screen from the window of the After Movie Diner...

This podcast has been approved by Mr.Mayor Bert Wicker himself, Dick Dyszel when he wrote to me and simply said: "Yes, I heard the podcast and liked it alot."

For further information on Don Dohler why not go to www.dondohler.com or
http://smashortrashindiefilmmaking.com/ an excellent website full of information for low budget film makers and Dohler info galore! There's also a GREAT interview on the site HERE.

For further information on John Kinhart or Blood, Boobs and Beast why not go to

After Movie Diner now on Smash or Trash http://smashortrashindiefilmmaking.com a website about indie film making dedicated to Don Dohler with regular input from a variety of his collaborators both old and new- please check it out!

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


EPISODE 21 - The Do-It-Yourself Superhero Special - Defendor/Super/Kick Ass


EPISODE 19 - The Muppets/The Descendants/Post Python Movies/Sundown: A Vampire in Retreat