EPISODE 59 - The Sorority Diner Party Massacre Horrortober Special

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Well Horrotober comes to an end but here in the Diner we like to finish things with a little style and pazazz so we picked 5 films in which women run around wearing not very much at all, being killed by a gentleman with a big drill. Classy right?

I invited Axl from the excellent Profondo Cinema podcast to join me and together we braved the, actually, surprisingly cool and entertaining waters of Roger Corman's 80s slasher output:

The Slumber Party Massacre Trilogy and Sorority House Massacre 1 & 2

So join us, won't you, as we rummage around in the deep end of a random vat of slashers and pull out some unexpected gems!

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ALSO THIS WEEK the third installment from OUR VERY OWN HORROR HOST, UNCLE MOE'S CRAWLSPACE! (again featuring a very special guest)

You can find Moe with the excellent Mr. Doug Tilley discussing No Budget Nightmares over at nobudgetpodcast.com

AND THERE'S another Diner Ditty!


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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.




EPISODE 58 - And You Thought It Was Safe in the Diner?