Season 2 Ep 3: Sleazy Spader Springtime 6: Easy Sleazy Does It - Doc Paul Crowson & The Music of Chance

This week we are joined by Dr. Action himself, Doc Paul Crowson but rather than talking explosions and round house kicks, we are traveling back to the heady, indie waters of the early 90s when everyone wanted on the Tarantino, Soderbergh, Linklater, Smith boat - even documentary filmmaker, Philip Haas who decided to adapt Paul Auster's The Music of Chance into a fascinating two hander between Sleazy Spader and Mandy Patinkin, supported by a who's who of indie darling, character actor, favourites.

We talk the film, take a trip to the sleazetorium and find out about a very special charity that Spader runs...

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Jon Cross

The After Movie Diner website is Jon's baby, puppy, kitten and prized Faberge egg all rolled in to one. He may even like it more than his beard.


Sympathy for the Devil


Season 2 Ep 2: Sleazy Spader Springtime 6: Easy Sleazy Does It - Matt Poirier, Ideas, Writing & Crash