Blood of Heroes/Salute of the Jugger
Jon Cross and Matt Poirier discuss the Rutger Hauer Mad Max style sports movie, Blood of Heroes AKA Salute of the Jugger.
Jon Cross and Jamie Sammons join Moe Porne to discuss VHS, cult, weirdo movie, Zipperface
Android Cop
Moe Porne and his guests discuss Android Cop... and they don't exactly enjoy it.
Hard To Die
Matt Poirier and Jon Cross join Moe Porne to discuss the Jim Wynorski cult classic, Hard To Die.
Q The Winged Serpent
Jon Cross and Doug Tilley join Moe Porne to discuss Larry Cohen's Q The Winged Serpent.
Never Too Young To Die
Jamie Sammons and Jon Cross join Moe Porne to discuss Never Too Young To Die
Deezen Love Fest (Zapped/Midnight Madness)
Moe and Jamie D Sammons (née Jenkins) discuss one of Moe's great cinematic loves, Eddie Deezen!
Jihad All Over My Face
Moe Porne talks to Jamie Sammons and Ralph Santiago about movies that offend them. (if there really is such a thing)
TROMA and the Future of Independent Cinema
Moe, Jon Cross and Eric Martin talk about Troma and the world of independent film and just how necessary it is.
Our Gary Likes A Good Back
Dr.Action and the Kick Ass Kid drop in to Drunk on VHS to talk Gary Daniels' back fetish and 80s and 90s action films.
Spooky Halloween Show
The first time Jon Cross ever joined Moe and Bosh on Drunk on VHS and discussed 80s Sex Romps: Hot Dog, Hamburger: The Motion Picture and Lemon Popsicle for Halloween!
Marchini, Ron Lee
This week the guys give their usual format the backseat so we can discuss: Ron Lee Marchini - low budget action film star and general deadpan actor (with Brett)
Afterwards we get a little sentimental and discuss why it is we love VHS so much...